David Michael Reardon

David Michael Reardon

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David Michael Reardon is an American actor residing in Savannah, Georgia. He was born in Lawton, Oklahoma on November 3rd of 1997. David is best known for the roles of Fred DeLuca (The Food That Built America) and Charlie Sawyer (Man's Best Friend).When asked what he wants his life to represent, David responded, "Hope. There are so many p... Show more »
David Michael Reardon is an American actor residing in Savannah, Georgia. He was born in Lawton, Oklahoma on November 3rd of 1997. David is best known for the roles of Fred DeLuca (The Food That Built America) and Charlie Sawyer (Man's Best Friend).When asked what he wants his life to represent, David responded, "Hope. There are so many people from my home town, and towns like it, that give up on their dreams because they're told they can't accomplish them. I want my career and life to inspire people to hope again. To dream again. To believe they can become more and live a life of impact. I believe that's what life is all about; helping others become the best versions of themselves by the way you live. Acting helps me to do that." Show less «

David Michael Reardon's FILMOGRAPHY

The Food That Built America - Season 5


The Food That Built America - Season 4


Outer Banks - Season 3


The Christmas Pledge


The Food That Built America - Season 3


Running the Bases [Sub: Eng]


The Food That Built America - Season 2


Outer Banks - Season 2


Outer Banks - Season 1


The Food That Built America - Season 1


MBF: Mans Best Friend

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