David Mendez

David Mendez

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191 cm
Born in Miami, Florida, David Mendez at the age of 17 joined the US Army Infantry and was stationed on the East/West German border in 1986-88. He became a civilian and continued to live in Germany until 1993. Returning to the US to attend Film school at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida 1996-98. Moving to San Francisco in 2000, he continued stud... Show more »
Born in Miami, Florida, David Mendez at the age of 17 joined the US Army Infantry and was stationed on the East/West German border in 1986-88. He became a civilian and continued to live in Germany until 1993. Returning to the US to attend Film school at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida 1996-98. Moving to San Francisco in 2000, he continued studies in documentary film making, while working as a nightclub manager. In 2004 he decided to re-enlist into the California National Guard as a light Infantryman. After a stint on the Korean DMZ, he was deployed to Afghanistan for Operation Enduring freedom and served as protective security for a Command Staff General. After the 18 month deployment he returned to California with honors. Now as a civilian he resides in Los Angeles working in the Film industry experiencing every level of production and acting. Show less «

David Mendez's FILMOGRAPHY

Good Luck Charlie - Season 4


Good Luck Charlie - Season 3


Good Luck Charlie - Season 2


Good Luck Charlie - Season 1

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