David Lichtenstein

David Lichtenstein

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David Lichtenstein is an actor, best known for Dallas Buyers Club (2013). During an extended hiatus from the movie industry as a result of family illnesses, Lichtenstein decided to relocate from Los Angeles back to his hometown of Chicago. By the time his family was recovering from various maladies and Lichtenstein started planing to move west agai... Show more »
David Lichtenstein is an actor, best known for Dallas Buyers Club (2013). During an extended hiatus from the movie industry as a result of family illnesses, Lichtenstein decided to relocate from Los Angeles back to his hometown of Chicago. By the time his family was recovering from various maladies and Lichtenstein started planing to move west again, his close friend met him with David's future wife. One year after moving from Los Angeles Lichtenstein found himself happily married and living in a brand new home just south-west of Chicago in Joliet, Illinois.Now with two beautiful children, David Lichtenstein and his new wife are enjoying the rebirth of his career in entertainment, one that is more successful than he might have imagined couple of years ago. At one time resigned to the reality that his dreams would be lost forever, Lichtenstein is now working as an actor in television and film. As an additions to his acting career, Lichtenstein managed to established himself as an uprising star in the advertising industry with many radio and national and regional TV commercials.As new opportunities continue to open for David, he now makes an attempt to express himself as a successful film producer while being owner of Feather Leaf Entertainment. The first movie David Lichtenstein wrote and produced, "Kissed by Angel", was among the top Five Finalist in an Amazon/Tribeca Short Film Competition, and won him the Best Documentary Short Film prize. Show less «

David Lichtenstein's FILMOGRAPHY

Dallas Buyers Club


The Host

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