Daria Krauzo

Daria Krauzo

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Daria Krauzo is a Polish-German actress known from Mar de Plastico, Spanish criminal series (Netflix). She is based in Spain but has international experience collected across Europe (The Nest of Vampires, The Aboves and The Belows) and performs in 4 languages: English, German, Spanish and Polish. She lives out of one suitcase and travels wherever t... Show more »
Daria Krauzo is a Polish-German actress known from Mar de Plastico, Spanish criminal series (Netflix). She is based in Spain but has international experience collected across Europe (The Nest of Vampires, The Aboves and The Belows) and performs in 4 languages: English, German, Spanish and Polish. She lives out of one suitcase and travels wherever the work and the adventure takes her. Show less «

Daria Krauzo's FILMOGRAPHY

Sky Rojo - Season 3 [Sub: Eng]


Sky Rojo - Season 1


Sky Rojo - Season 2


Nest of Vampires

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