Danik Patisson

Danik Patisson

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March 26, 1939 in Senlis, Oise, Picardie, France
Birth Name: 
Danièle Claude Madeleine Patisson
168 cm
Born in Senlis, Danielle (her true Christian name) set her heart very early on becoming a "petit rat" (young ballet girl) at the Opéra de Paris but she was denied admission for being too tall. She got over her disappointment when she was accepted in the Châtelet dancing school where she remained for five years. A little later but also v... Show more »
Born in Senlis, Danielle (her true Christian name) set her heart very early on becoming a "petit rat" (young ballet girl) at the Opéra de Paris but she was denied admission for being too tall. She got over her disappointment when she was accepted in the Châtelet dancing school where she remained for five years. A little later but also very early in her life she started posing for magazines and got her first tiny roles in films. Her first major part was in "Les Duraton", a comedy in which she played the Duraton daughter. Soon afterward, from the middle to the end of the '50s her career diversified: in French crime and robber films she was usually a vamp but she landed less formulaic roles in foreign movies. Her name can be found in the credits of an American, an English, a German and even a Portuguese film. Oddly enough this promising start did not materialize and after 1960, Danik Patisson worked less - and in films of poor quality. One exception: "L'accident" by Gréville, a very atmospheric noir film in which she interprets a school mistress on a Breton island. Not seen in movies since 1965, She has nevertheless gone on with her career,both on stage and on TV. Show less «

Danik Patisson's FILMOGRAPHY

Le vampire de Düsseldorf


La muerte silba un blues


Madchen in Uniform


The Sun Also Rises


The Last Time I Saw Paris

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