Daniel Fainman

Daniel Fainman

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5 September 1990, Manhattan, New York, USA
Birth Name: 
Daniel Gabriel Fainman
180 cm
Daniel Fainman also known as as Daniel Gabriel Fainman was born on September 5, 1990 in Manhattan, New York, USA . He is an actor, writer and producer known for On the River (2016), An Everlasting Fairytale (2016), Heartlines (2012) and This Job Isn't for Everyone (2008). He is quickly gaining keen momentum for having an eye for elegance, qual... Show more »
Daniel Fainman also known as as Daniel Gabriel Fainman was born on September 5, 1990 in Manhattan, New York, USA . He is an actor, writer and producer known for On the River (2016), An Everlasting Fairytale (2016), Heartlines (2012) and This Job Isn't for Everyone (2008). He is quickly gaining keen momentum for having an eye for elegance, quality, a classy vision, a talent and the ability to persevere with creativity in storytelling from concept to screen within North American, Canadian and Russian entertainment markets.At a young age, Daniel hit the ground running fiercely pursuing his passion for the arts in a world so diverse he understood that he can drive himself to be successful by being him unique self. In 2006, when he turned 15, he was featured on a tv documentary production for HBO "Assume the position with Mr. Whul". When he arrived, he quickly got the attention of directors Nick Doob; Chris Hedegus and Robert Whul, the actor. He made the final cut with clips of him contagiously laughing on the show airing for 3 consecutive years on HBO. Show less «

Daniel Fainman's FILMOGRAPHY

Bare Knuckle Brawler


The Following - Season 3


The Following - Season 2


The Following - Season 1


The Winning Season




The Girlfriend Experience


Lipstick Jungle - Season 1


Lipstick Jungle - Season 2

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