Daniel Abi-Sarkis

Daniel Abi-Sarkis

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Daniel Abi-Sarkis is a 17-year-old American actor and stage performer. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and became interested in acting and film-making at the age of 12. He held lead roles in several high school musical productions, including the role of LES in Disney's Newsies (Nov. 2018), Sam the cowboy in Crazy for You (Nov. 2019), and Brat... Show more »
Daniel Abi-Sarkis is a 17-year-old American actor and stage performer. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and became interested in acting and film-making at the age of 12. He held lead roles in several high school musical productions, including the role of LES in Disney's Newsies (Nov. 2018), Sam the cowboy in Crazy for You (Nov. 2019), and Bratt in How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying (Nov. 2020). In 2021, he was cast as Jean Valjean in the high school production, Les Miserables.In February 2019, he was cast by Susan Chambers, and played the role of Mark Anthony in the junior version of A Chorus Line (On the Line), at the Chambers Performing Arts school.In 2021, he co-starred in Netflix's Cobra Kai Season 4 (Max) and DC's Stargirl Season 2 on The CW (Devin Dupree).Daniel was also cast in several independent movies, including: Summer of Charlie (Nick - supporting, 2019) and By the Campfire (Jake - lead, 2019).In July 2020, he was cast for Be A STAR, a national bully prevention commercial.In July 2021, he played the VICTIM in Speak Life the Musical, a national musical to end Bullying.Daniel is a Georgia Thespian and has performed at ThesCon in Columbus GA, in 2018.He is privately coached and is skilled at Stunt performance and languages. He is highly coachable, very attentive, and intelligent on set. He excels at cold reads and improvisation. He is athletic, plays soccer, football, and a variety of recreational sports.As a minor and local in the state of Georgia, Daniel has a work permit from the GDOL. Show less «

Daniel Abi-Sarkis's FILMOGRAPHY

Cobra Kai - Season 5


Stargirl - Season 3


Cobra Kai - Season 4


Cobra Kai - Season 3


Stargirl - Season 2


Stargirl - Season 1


Cobra Kai - Season 2


Cobra Kai - Season 1

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