Crystal MacMillan

Crystal MacMillan

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Crystal MacMillan is a Canadian actor who was born and raised in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, and went to Saint Mary's University in Halifax, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She has recently played the principal role of Ronnie in Purple Door Productions feature film Turnbuckles (2022). She also played the lead role in the independent f... Show more »
Crystal MacMillan is a Canadian actor who was born and raised in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, and went to Saint Mary's University in Halifax, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She has recently played the principal role of Ronnie in Purple Door Productions feature film Turnbuckles (2022). She also played the lead role in the independent film The Invisible Sun (2022), and supporting role in Goblin Den Productions short film We Are All One, which won Best Story for the 2022 Atlantic 48 Hour Film Festival.As a young adult Crystal participated in high school drama and musical theatre, and reignited her passion for acting in her mid thirties (2021) after landing her first speaking role on an episode of Terror in the Woods (Season 3, Episode 10). Show less «

Crystal MacMillan's FILMOGRAPHY

Terror in the Woods - Season 2


Terror in the Woods - Season 3


Terror in the Woods - Season 1

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