Cristina Mediero

Cristina Mediero

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She was born in Madrid and trained as an actress at ESAD in Cordoba and Institute of Cinema, Madrid.She featured in several TV shows She also appears in several films like "Inoccent murderers" "Twelve days" or "Sprinkled by the disaster". She has starred in numerous short films like "The nieces of Valerie", &... Show more »
She was born in Madrid and trained as an actress at ESAD in Cordoba and Institute of Cinema, Madrid.She featured in several TV shows She also appears in several films like "Inoccent murderers" "Twelve days" or "Sprinkled by the disaster". She has starred in numerous short films like "The nieces of Valerie", "Stanbrook" "Room 205" or "New paragraph". All of them has been selected and awarded at International film festivals. She won the award for the best actress (lynx prize) for her Role "Beatriz" in "The nieces of Valerie" Show less «

Cristina Mediero's FILMOGRAPHY

Turno de Noche: El Lugar Equivocado


Toy Boy - Season 2 [Sub: Eng]


Toy Boy - Season 1 [Sub: Eng]


El accidente - Season 1

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