Cristiana Réali

Cristiana Réali

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March 16, 1965 in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Cristiana Reali was born in São Paulo, Brazil, on 16 March 1965. In 1987, aged 22, she decided to move to Paris to follow the Florent lesson taught by Francis Huster. Shortly after, she and Francis became a lifetime couple. Together they have two daughters (Elisa, born 4 May 1998 and Toscane, born 20 March 2003). Huster and Réali played together ... Show more »
Cristiana Reali was born in São Paulo, Brazil, on 16 March 1965. In 1987, aged 22, she decided to move to Paris to follow the Florent lesson taught by Francis Huster. Shortly after, she and Francis became a lifetime couple. Together they have two daughters (Elisa, born 4 May 1998 and Toscane, born 20 March 2003). Huster and Réali played together in theatre in Molière and Corneille. Show less «

Cristiana Réali's FILMOGRAPHY

Crimson Wedding - Season 1


Camping 3



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