Chrystale Davis

Chrystale Davis

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Birth Name: 
Chrystale Nicole Davis
Chrystale Nicole Davis was born in Pittsburgh, PA and lived the first half of her life in Los Angeles, CA. Growing up, she originally took acting classes in Hollywood, CA as a hobby and soon fell in love with being in front of the camera. She attended Robert Morris University in Moon Township, PA and graduated with a major in TV/Video Production an... Show more »
Chrystale Nicole Davis was born in Pittsburgh, PA and lived the first half of her life in Los Angeles, CA. Growing up, she originally took acting classes in Hollywood, CA as a hobby and soon fell in love with being in front of the camera. She attended Robert Morris University in Moon Township, PA and graduated with a major in TV/Video Production and a minor in Theater. As a member of the Colonial Theater, Chrystale performed in various stage productions such as "Hair", "Civil War" and "Children of Eden". After graduating college she made the decision to move back to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. She is now studying at The Groundlings theater in Hollywood. Show less «

Chrystale Davis's FILMOGRAPHY

Parks and Recreation - Season 7


Parks and Recreation - Season 6


Parks and Recreation - Season 5


Parks and Recreation - Season 4


Parks and Recreation - Season 3


Parks and Recreation - Season 1


Parks and Recreation - Season 2

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