Chauncey Ragland

Chauncey Ragland

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Chauncey Ragland is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. He was raised by a legally blind single mother of four without his father. He always had to take on roles in his life. The role of father figure to his brother and oftentimes the role of provider for his family. He defied all odds by graduating from Mount Auburn International Academy as valedictoria... Show more »
Chauncey Ragland is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. He was raised by a legally blind single mother of four without his father. He always had to take on roles in his life. The role of father figure to his brother and oftentimes the role of provider for his family. He defied all odds by graduating from Mount Auburn International Academy as valedictorian. He made his theatrical debut in 2016 in A Brownsville Song (b-side for Tray) at Ensamble Theatre Cincinnati. He was first bitten by the acting bug his junior year of high school upon meeting Ben Raanan, Ensamble Theatre Cincinnati's Director of Education and Outreach through the prelude program. Emerging into the big screen with Ryan Eslinger's UFO. Followed by Emilio Estevez' The Public released late January 2018 in the Santa Barbara Film Festival. This young charismatic actor is entering his junior year of college working and raising his two young children. Show less «

Chauncey Ragland's FILMOGRAPHY

The Public


UFO (2018)

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