Charles Hinshaw

Charles Hinshaw

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Charles Hinshaw has been a resident of New York City for near two decades. He has been acting, writing, and directing for that entire period. He attended the prestigious Professional Children's School, NY Film Academy, and School of Visual Arts, where he honed his abilities as an actor and filmmaker. He is the founder of Drama Room Productions... Show more »
Charles Hinshaw has been a resident of New York City for near two decades. He has been acting, writing, and directing for that entire period. He attended the prestigious Professional Children's School, NY Film Academy, and School of Visual Arts, where he honed his abilities as an actor and filmmaker. He is the founder of Drama Room Productions under which he makes technically proficient films meant to be entertaining and thought-provoking. Show less «

Charles Hinshaw's FILMOGRAPHY

New Amsterdam - Season 5


New Amsterdam - Season 3


New Amsterdam - Season 4


An American Pickle


New Amsterdam - Season 2


New Amsterdam - Season 1

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