Charles Bolen

Charles Bolen

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185 cm
Charles "Aaron" Bolen is not your typical actor. With a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Tennessee and his service as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, Aaron has seen and had some very unique experiences. He got his start on TV as a contestant on The Price is Right. Look for him to continue expanding his experience i... Show more »
Charles "Aaron" Bolen is not your typical actor. With a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Tennessee and his service as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, Aaron has seen and had some very unique experiences. He got his start on TV as a contestant on The Price is Right. Look for him to continue expanding his experience in acting with multiple roles on In Ice Cold Blood and other shows to come. Show less «

Charles Bolen's FILMOGRAPHY

The Price Is Right - Season 52


In Ice Cold Blood - Season 3


In Ice Cold Blood - Season 2


The Price Is Right - Season 47


In Ice Cold Blood - Season 1

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