Cassandra McCall

Cassandra McCall

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September 29, 2002
Birth Name: 
Cassandra Lily Storm
153 cm
Nova Scotia-born Cassandra has been performing since she was 14 months old. Over the next 15 years, she would go on to train with many industry professionals in dance, voice and speech, and acting. Cassandra made her acting debut in ABC’s “Mom at 16”, playing the baby daughter of Jane Krakowski in 2003, and her stage debut as Kayla in the mus... Show more »
Nova Scotia-born Cassandra has been performing since she was 14 months old. Over the next 15 years, she would go on to train with many industry professionals in dance, voice and speech, and acting. Cassandra made her acting debut in ABC’s “Mom at 16”, playing the baby daughter of Jane Krakowski in 2003, and her stage debut as Kayla in the musical “the Best of Friends” in 2010. In 2015, Cassandra played Young Rose in the short film, “My Younger Older Sister”, which won multiple awards at the Atlantic Film Festival. In 2019, she acted as “Becky MacIsaac is CBC’s “Diggstown. She has performed in numerous stage musicals and plays, and as of 2019, she played the principal character, ‘Roxie Hart’ in West Kings Theatre’s production of Chicago. Cassandra will soon be a senior in high school and will go on to pursue the arts at a performance college. Show less «

Cassandra McCall's FILMOGRAPHY

This Hour Has 22 Minutes - Season 31


Diggstown - Season 4


Welcome to Mama's


Diggstown - Season 3


Diggstown - Season 2


Diggstown - Season 1


Mom at Sixteen

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