Cass Magda

Cass Magda

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Cass Magda has been conducting seminars for over ten years in the US, Canada, Australia, England, Norway, Scotland, Finland, France, Germany, and other European countries. First known throughout the world as one of Dan Inosanto's top JKD instructors and having trained with many of the top Filipino and Indonesian instructors Magda has carefully... Show more »
Cass Magda has been conducting seminars for over ten years in the US, Canada, Australia, England, Norway, Scotland, Finland, France, Germany, and other European countries. First known throughout the world as one of Dan Inosanto's top JKD instructors and having trained with many of the top Filipino and Indonesian instructors Magda has carefully built a solid reputation as an instructor of high quality who presents excellent information at his seminars. He is dedicated to the education, preservation and presentation/promotion of authentic Indonesian and Filipino martial arts. Show less «


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