Carlos Barrionuevo

Carlos Barrionuevo

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Born and raised in Patagonia, Argentina, Carlos comes from a humble beginnings. He started dance lessons at the age of twelve and discovered the passionate Argentine Tango, taking numerous years of dedication to master his craft. Carlos started performing and teaching tango when he was 15-years-old.His professional debut was a show that toured both... Show more »
Born and raised in Patagonia, Argentina, Carlos comes from a humble beginnings. He started dance lessons at the age of twelve and discovered the passionate Argentine Tango, taking numerous years of dedication to master his craft. Carlos started performing and teaching tango when he was 15-years-old.His professional debut was a show that toured both Italy and Russia. Carlos moved to the big city of Buenos Aires in 2005 to expand his horizons and met his future dance partner and wife Mayte Valdes. They performed in some of the biggest Argentine Tango shows around the world. Then they relocated to the US to pursue their dreams as actors and performers.Carlos' film debut was in the short film "Nina del Tango," directed by Jason Eberly. It premiered in Los Angeles and New York and was the official selection in eleven international film festivals, including two Oscar-qualifying festivals. He also received a nomination for best actor at the Silent River Film Festival. Carlos' latest film "In the Ring," directed by Mesha Kussman, was included in the short film corner at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival. Show less «

Carlos Barrionuevo's FILMOGRAPHY

SEAL Team - Season 6


Gutsy - Season 1


SEAL Team - Season 5


Tango Shalom


SEAL Team - Season 4


Why Women Kill - Season 1


Why Women Kill - Season 2


SEAL Team - Season 3


Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party - Season 3


SEAL Team - Season 2


SEAL Team - Season 1


Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party - Season 2


Million Dollar Matchmaker - Season 2


Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party - Season 1

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