Carlo Corazon
June 22, 1960 in Arlington, Virginia, USA
Birth Name:
Charles William Pickering
178 cm
Carlo Corazon was born in Virginia, but grew up in Fairfield County, Connecticut. As a child growing up in the 'projects' (as they were called) he put on plays starring his younger brothers and sister then charged his parents to attend. You could see even as child Carlo was torn between artistic values and monetary values. As a teenager h...
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Carlo Corazon was born in Virginia, but grew up in Fairfield County, Connecticut. As a child growing up in the 'projects' (as they were called) he put on plays starring his younger brothers and sister then charged his parents to attend. You could see even as child Carlo was torn between artistic values and monetary values. As a teenager he filmed his younger siblings football games and then would help edit and score a highlight reel with his Mom (Martha) for the season's banquet finale.In junior high school Carlo was in charge of the stage lighting for the plays while starring in sports. In high school, he lettered and starred in both Varsity football and baseball. He also took a class on 'stagecraft' learning the art work and stage design for theatre. Between working and sports, on the outside Carlo's life appeared to be on the up and up, though in his time off he would journey into the darker side of life as a teen.By the early 1980s, Carlo's son was born. That was a profound moment in his life. It was also a quick dose of reality for the athletic and creative genius/problem child (one minute a star - the next minute a husband and father) but it may have saved his life. Life on the streets as a thug can take its toll on one's health and did for some of Carlo's partners in crime. He saw a few friends and acquaintances pass. It also took a toll on his marriage. He and first wife Laurie divorced after three years. Working in a 'dead end' job and just unhappy with his life's direction, he started playing football again in a Fairfield County league with one of his best friends where he not only starred, but helped lead his team to several titles. Unfortunately a knee injury ended any chance of him playing anymore or possibly going further with football (American).By 1986, he looked towards the theatre and within days after signing on into an acting class in Bridgeport, Connecticut he found himself co-starring in a version of the Sam Sheppard play 'True West'. That helped him land his first role in film as 'The Jogger' for an independent film called 'Beyonder' by Mike Leoce. This eventually led him to a follow up role in 'The Game' written and directed by David Prank. It was while filming the 'Beyonder' that one of the female leads introduced him to his acting mentors; Rick Poole and Kathryn Gately at a Theatre Row acting studio inside the Nat Horne Theatre in NYC. There he also took dance classes from greats like Nat Horne, and Anna Sokolov. Poole and Gately worked at the Neighborhood Playhouse prior to opening their own studios and were arguably two of the best disciples of Sandy Meisner in NYC at the time. At the same time he competed in a modeling pageant from which the likes of Patrick Dempsey emerged. This gave Carlo the opportunities he needed to land on a Soap Opera in Manhattan, then several other print and film opportunities in New York then Los Angeles (ie:Structure, calendars, film and TV). A good friend who was the Vice President of the 'Stephen Nichols' fan club, offered to be President of Carlo's fan club. Her name is Jodi Davidowski. Unfortunately for the world Jodi is no longer with us. She passed away in 2004 from a brain tumor. Her kindness, and friendship will be missed by a lot of people, especially by Stephen and Carlo.Traversing coasts and once in Los Angeles he wandered through agents, managers, and auditions landing several roles and working night owl jobs like bartending at the 'Red Onion' and private dancing. In 1993 he and his business partner, photographer Dean McKeever decided to put together a female swimsuit calendar called 'The Supercalendar' that featured the likes of 'Gena Lee Nolin' (see photo gallery) just prior to her fame and fortune. Other photographers that helped out on the project were; Chris Shay, Brent Schafer, Denice Porter, and Jimmy Pickering.In 1995, Carlo co-produced, wrote, directed, and starred in a movie for television, which aired on a Cox Communications cable channels in early 1997 and which co-starred his friend actor Richard Dino (From Dusk 2 Dawn) also featuring several family members (including a photo of his son).In March of 1996, Carlo attended the 'Academy Awards and Governor's Ball' with Richard Dino and the two headed to the Vanity Fair party at Morton's on Melrose and Robertson in Beverly Hills where he ran into a former classmate from New York who was starring in a sitcom.By the summer of 1998, his son chose a prestigious 'East Coast' school to do his undergrad degree. It was at that time Carlo also met his soul-mate and second wife Mariana. She is from the Palermo Hollywood area in the Capital, Buenos Aires, Argentina and is over 15 years his junior. They currently reside in the 'Sand Canyon' area of Santa Clarita in Los Angeles county with their 'Yorkie' named 'Anush'. The three spend a lot of time at the home of Mariana's Mom - Ana, and relax by playing golf and vacationing to Argentina visiting Mariana's family and friends or heading back east to visit Carlo's Mom-Martha and his son M1ke.Though not completely giving up the 'acting bug' Carlo is currently pursuing an executive career. After holding the position of President of his privately owned corporation; Sidustar International, Inc. he is now a Vice President with the number one emergency and rapid mass notification company in the world; the National Notification Network (3nonline.com). He also received his M.B.A. online as an honorary degree from Almeda University for his contributions in communications and technology. Still he is quick to say that he's not the executive star of the family. That title belongs to his son Michael, who received his MBA in May (2005) from UCONN's graduate school in Stamford, Connecticut, and had also received his Bachelor of Science from Fairfield University in Southern Connecticut in 2002. Michael was also invited to be a member of the prestigious club, 'Mensa International', an intellectual society. Show less «
On life: "The only thing worse than settling for less than what you really want, is to find what you really wanted, would have cost the same...Show more »
On life: "The only thing worse than settling for less than what you really want, is to find what you really wanted, would have cost the same had you the patience to persist." Show less «
On love: "A flower blooms in the sun, but grows in the rain. It's a reflection of your own life's beauty and pain."
On love: "A flower blooms in the sun, but grows in the rain. It's a reflection of your own life's beauty and pain."
When you possess great wisdom and you tell others, seldom are you believed.
When you possess great wisdom and you tell others, seldom are you believed.
On work; Issues are excuses for the weak minded, starting problems are for emotional addicts . . . the truth is, a problem is an opportunity...Show more »
On work; Issues are excuses for the weak minded, starting problems are for emotional addicts . . . the truth is, a problem is an opportunity in disguise! Show less «
On learning; "God gave you two eyes, two ears, and only one mouth because you should watch and listen at least twice as much as you speak!"
On learning; "God gave you two eyes, two ears, and only one mouth because you should watch and listen at least twice as much as you speak!"
On charisma; "It's better to be in the mystery, than in the know."
On charisma; "It's better to be in the mystery, than in the know."
On Politics; Our values only become rules when you stop caring. As a nation of democracy and interdependence we need to have and teach more ...Show more »
On Politics; Our values only become rules when you stop caring. As a nation of democracy and interdependence we need to have and teach more humility and respect, especially to our children. Show less «
On pressure; There are those that believe they can, and those that believe they can't. Both are right . . which one are you???
On pressure; There are those that believe they can, and those that believe they can't. Both are right . . which one are you???
On marriage; "The journey together is more important than the ultimate destination."
On marriage; "The journey together is more important than the ultimate destination."
A 'Closer' is someone who can take the watch off your wrist and tell you what time it is!!!
A 'Closer' is someone who can take the watch off your wrist and tell you what time it is!!!
On reality; The primary substance of everything exists in the paradigm of pure potential or a nebulous of possibilities until you as the obs...Show more »
On reality; The primary substance of everything exists in the paradigm of pure potential or a nebulous of possibilities until you as the observer collapse it into a singular 'here and now'. That's power! Show less «
Spending vs. Investing; Every purchase you make should be an investment or you'll always be 'broke'. As an investor you must look for things...Show more »
Spending vs. Investing; Every purchase you make should be an investment or you'll always be 'broke'. As an investor you must look for things with a unique competitive advantage or if it's a pure commodity, the best price. Show less «
On Choice; Prior to every choice we make exists the energy of pure potential (in a sub atomic wave). You must ask yourself "How informed, tr...Show more »
On Choice; Prior to every choice we make exists the energy of pure potential (in a sub atomic wave). You must ask yourself "How informed, transformed, and reformed are you, because the choice is yours." Show less «
On Style; always classic, because trendy shows your age and traps you in a time capsule.
On Style; always classic, because trendy shows your age and traps you in a time capsule.
On Technology; be on the cutting edge, not the bleeding edge.
On Technology; be on the cutting edge, not the bleeding edge.
On religion; The religions of this world are paradoxes and cousins of chaos. I prefer faith in that every Saint has a past and every sinner ...Show more »
On religion; The religions of this world are paradoxes and cousins of chaos. I prefer faith in that every Saint has a past and every sinner has a future, but most of all God loves us so much that we've been given this opportunity with a light to lead the way . . can you see it??? Show less «
On Judgement Day; For you to be judged about right or wrong would be convoluted. I believe your departing destination from this dimension wi...Show more »
On Judgement Day; For you to be judged about right or wrong would be convoluted. I believe your departing destination from this dimension will be decided by your character and at the core of that is attitude. Show less «
On Life's Hard Times; We are a spirit with a 4 layer bio-carbon body suit so basically we are made up of carbon and carbon when put to the t...Show more »
On Life's Hard Times; We are a spirit with a 4 layer bio-carbon body suit so basically we are made up of carbon and carbon when put to the test under extreme pressure transforms into diamonds ..... remember that! Show less «
The Answer: To recognize one's own insanity is the awakening of your soul and the beginning of healing, transcendence, sanity and --the trut...Show more »
The Answer: To recognize one's own insanity is the awakening of your soul and the beginning of healing, transcendence, sanity and --the truth. It is to truly know thy self and not hide behind the ego. Show less «