Caleb Donahoe

Caleb Donahoe

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Caleb Donahoe is an actor and musician from Huntington, WV. He started acting in community musicals and plays before studying Theatre at Ball State University. After graduating, he moved first to Chicago and then to New York City to further develop his acting career. He has since appeared in numerous plays, musicals, and films. He is also a songwri... Show more »
Caleb Donahoe is an actor and musician from Huntington, WV. He started acting in community musicals and plays before studying Theatre at Ball State University. After graduating, he moved first to Chicago and then to New York City to further develop his acting career. He has since appeared in numerous plays, musicals, and films. He is also a songwriter, fantasy literature enthusiast, and avid gamer. Show less «

Caleb Donahoe's FILMOGRAPHY

Summertime Dropouts

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