Brynja Valdís Gísladóttir

Brynja Valdís Gísladóttir

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June 6, 1973 in New York City, New York, USA
Brynja Valdís is an actress and a director.Born In the USA. Grew up in Iceland. She started acting 9 years old in the International theatre in Iceland. She was accepted at the Icelandic academy of the Arts in 1998 which is a 4 year degree program and graduated the year 2002 with a BFA degree.She also graduated as a drama teacher from The Icelandic... Show more »
Brynja Valdís is an actress and a director.Born In the USA. Grew up in Iceland. She started acting 9 years old in the International theatre in Iceland. She was accepted at the Icelandic academy of the Arts in 1998 which is a 4 year degree program and graduated the year 2002 with a BFA degree.She also graduated as a drama teacher from The Icelandic academy of the Arts in Iceland in the year 2005.In 2009 she graduated from the Icelandic film school in Iceland as a film director and producer.Brynja Valdís has worked in the main theaters in Iceland, played in television series, movies and advertisements, worked on various film productions and as a drama teacher for many years. She has also worked for various events as an entertainer and a stand up comedian for Icelandic and foreign audiences for 15 years.Brynja Valdís has directed short films, advertisements, documentary and music videos. From the Icelandic film school she was awarded for her graduation short film (2009) as the best director. Show less «

Brynja Valdís Gísladóttir's FILMOGRAPHY

Reykjavik-Rotterdam (Eykjavik-Rotterdam) [Audio: Icelandic]

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