Brittany Rietz

Brittany Rietz

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Brittany Rietz has appeared and/or been crew in over 10 productions. You may have seen her in First Date (2021), Finn and Marco (2018), and Regrets of a Dying Man (2017), to name just a few. She also has many projects still yet to come out. Brittany's ability to be versatile within the industry has been recognized by the Sacramento film commun... Show more »
Brittany Rietz has appeared and/or been crew in over 10 productions. You may have seen her in First Date (2021), Finn and Marco (2018), and Regrets of a Dying Man (2017), to name just a few. She also has many projects still yet to come out. Brittany's ability to be versatile within the industry has been recognized by the Sacramento film community by being selected as a writer for the 2021 Place Called Sacramento Film Festival. Brittany Rietz has studied with many great industry professionals over the past 4 years, such as: Charlie Holliday and TJ Ramini. Show less «

Brittany Rietz's FILMOGRAPHY

First Date

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