Bridget Fitzgerald

Bridget Fitzgerald

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Bridget Fitzgerald is an actress, comedienne, and model with supporting roles on features Joe's War (Ed Asner, Armand Assante), Pearl (Cut Entertainment), and Things I Don't Understand (Best Film, 2012 Burbank International Film Festival). Lead of sitcom pilots Musie (Time Warner On Demand Online) and Hot Date (New York Television Festiva... Show more »
Bridget Fitzgerald is an actress, comedienne, and model with supporting roles on features Joe's War (Ed Asner, Armand Assante), Pearl (Cut Entertainment), and Things I Don't Understand (Best Film, 2012 Burbank International Film Festival). Lead of sitcom pilots Musie (Time Warner On Demand Online) and Hot Date (New York Television Festival Bing 2012 Finalist). Creator and star of web series Her interview in Plain Talk Bad Manners was the most shared article of 2013. Show less «

Bridget Fitzgerald's FILMOGRAPHY

Christmas Lovers Anonymous


Under the Stadium Lights


Joe's War

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