Brent Duncan

Brent Duncan

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Brent Duncan lives in beautiful Atlanta Georgia. His early days in theatre morphed into real paying gigs as he began to land roles in Commercials and small roles in TV shows and Films. Mr. Duncan continues to work as an actor and has been a member of Screen Actors Guild since 1992. He also holds a Bachelor's degree in Film. Mr. Duncan worked a... Show more »
Brent Duncan lives in beautiful Atlanta Georgia. His early days in theatre morphed into real paying gigs as he began to land roles in Commercials and small roles in TV shows and Films. Mr. Duncan continues to work as an actor and has been a member of Screen Actors Guild since 1992. He also holds a Bachelor's degree in Film. Mr. Duncan worked as a production assistant for Television shows, commercials and films until he began to land jobs as an assistant director. In addition to his work as an AD, Mr. Duncan has established himself as a director for Industrial/Corporate training films. Not content with the typical talking heads and bullet points that tend to make these projects dreadful to watch, he brought his dramatic storytelling skills to the task. He has directed major projects for Habitat for Humanity, The Joint Commissions, and The American Red Cross. In 2013, he produced and directed his first feature film The Tribe of Misfits, which in now in international distribution. The Tribe of Misfits was nominated for 9 awards at Maverick Movie awards in 2013 and won Best Feature and Best Director at the Dallas Indie Festival in 2014. His extensive experience as an actor has given him a profound connection with actors. He has a deep understanding of them, how they think and the characters they play. Show less «

Brent Duncan's FILMOGRAPHY

Sun Records - Season 1


Chase - Season 1


Serving Sara (2002)


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 9


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 8


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 7


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 6


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 5


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 4


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 3


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 2


Walker, Texas Ranger - Season 1

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