Branden Lewis

Branden Lewis

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Branden Lewis is an award winning, six year working Actor based in Atlanta, GA. He has studied under Jemal McNeil, Cecelia Specht and Dwayne Boyd. He has a strong foundation from the stage, but his pursuit in the faith-based film world has taken off.Lewis has worked closely with Wes and Amanda Llewellyn on several projects including The Plug. He is... Show more »
Branden Lewis is an award winning, six year working Actor based in Atlanta, GA. He has studied under Jemal McNeil, Cecelia Specht and Dwayne Boyd. He has a strong foundation from the stage, but his pursuit in the faith-based film world has taken off.Lewis has worked closely with Wes and Amanda Llewellyn on several projects including The Plug. He is best known for his co-star role in Sid Roth's Its Supernatural. Recently, Lewis has won the "Best Lead Actor in a Short Film Award" 2019s International Christian Film and Music Festival. The film nominated is called Immerse. Immerse has been selected in Christian Worldview Film Festival, Milledgeville Film Festival, Eatonton Film Festival, and Marietta International Film Festival. This film continues to spread in the faith based community; encouraging many people in their faith. Branden has also played support in Elfilm Productions recently released feature called Modern Prodigal. This movie is available on Amazon Prime and More films to be announced soon. Show less «

Branden Lewis's FILMOGRAPHY

Modern Prodigal

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