Bennett Reagan Straube

Bennett Reagan Straube

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Bennett Reagan Walker Straube was born in Key West, Florida. He is one of three siblings. His twin brother, Luke-Ryan Straube, and younger brother, Harrison Straube, are also actors. Bennett loves everything Star Wars and Lego's. Bennett spends most of his time in the Midwest where he loves exploring outdoors. His favorite sports are football ... Show more »
Bennett Reagan Walker Straube was born in Key West, Florida. He is one of three siblings. His twin brother, Luke-Ryan Straube, and younger brother, Harrison Straube, are also actors. Bennett loves everything Star Wars and Lego's. Bennett spends most of his time in the Midwest where he loves exploring outdoors. His favorite sports are football and basketball. Show less «

Bennett Reagan Straube's FILMOGRAPHY

Wolf Hollow (2023)


Phantom Fun-World


Thy Neighbor

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