Benjamin Centoducati

Benjamin Centoducati

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Benjamin Centoducati is a brilliantly creative Writer, Director, Cinematographer, Actor, Artist and so much more. Benjamin, Since the age of six, has created works of art. After leaving PlayBoy Magazine, His passion includes "Life Is A Circus" a photographic Exhibit, "Life Is A Circus is The painful reflection of the clown on all of ... Show more »
Benjamin Centoducati is a brilliantly creative Writer, Director, Cinematographer, Actor, Artist and so much more. Benjamin, Since the age of six, has created works of art. After leaving PlayBoy Magazine, His passion includes "Life Is A Circus" a photographic Exhibit, "Life Is A Circus is The painful reflection of the clown on all of us in the day to day struggle of Life." Through his generosity, the prints are in many private collections, like that of Francis Ford Coppola, Hugh Rodham, and Jerry Seinfeld. Not to mention in 2000, "Insider's Secret" from "Life Is A Circus" was included in Paris, France's George Pompidou Museums collection. As well as all the movies, Benjamin worked on over the years, he decided while in charge of the camera department for "The Wheel Of Fortune" on 911, to drive across America and make a Patrotic coffee table book, "United We Stand Forever". The book was finished in 2001, and released. On September 11, 2002, Ben had a art show with "United We Stand Forever" in Los Angeles, in memory of 911.While he was working on "Daddy Day Care", He decided the time was right to make the country laugh again. Benjamin wrote, directed, and was the Director Of Photography on "Joe's Diner", a romantic comedy, which was up for consideration for The Academy Awards for Best Live Short in 2004. It received much praise from the entertainment community and showed at a number of film festivals. His current projects, are "Today's The Answer", "Behind The Scenes", "Driven Madness", and an Untitled Marc Anthony Project. Show less «

Benjamin Centoducati's FILMOGRAPHY

The Oscars (2022)


Rock Of Ages


Entourage - Season 6


The West Wing - Season 7


The West Wing - Season 6


The Aviator


The West Wing - Season 5


The West Wing - Season 4


The West Wing - Season 3


The West Wing - Season 2


The West Wing - Season 1

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