Bazz Hancher

Bazz Hancher

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Bazz Hancher started out his film career after making a short film called The Deadwoods with his cousin for a Halloween party. They formed a production company called Dark Lantern Entertainments which went onto make a further three short films that included Loco 47 Rails of Death in 2005 and Christmas with Mr & Mrs Smith in 2006. In-between the... Show more »
Bazz Hancher started out his film career after making a short film called The Deadwoods with his cousin for a Halloween party. They formed a production company called Dark Lantern Entertainments which went onto make a further three short films that included Loco 47 Rails of Death in 2005 and Christmas with Mr & Mrs Smith in 2006. In-between these films they made a dreadful short called the Lemon Rose that has been added to the IMDB as 2011 but not by Bazz or his production company, when it was in fact made in 2005. By the end of 2006 Bazz and his cousin parted company and Dark Lantern entertainments went out of existence. Bazz went on to form BSH Entertainments which continues to produce films alongside White Raven Films, but tends to produce darker films than its sister production company. The first film BSH Entertainments produced was the 2007 short Joeys Garage and followed that up by two shorts which were the domestic violence short Liquid Sadness and the Kidderminster Killer. In late 2009 Bazz teamed up with Michael Walcott, Dave Stokes & Kieron Hazel to form the Production Widow Maker Productions who made Bonjour Monsieur Trepas, this short was going to be a precursor to a feature film called The Widows curse, unfortunately the company didn't last beyond Trepas. What did come out of Trepas was Bazz and his team a had struck up a working relationship with FX Artist Max Van Der Banks who Has worked on a number of films including the dead 1 & 2 and went on to work again with Bazz on Darkest Secrets in 2013. After Trepas Bazz went on to form White Raven Films along with fellow producer from Widow Maker Michael Walcott and went on to make the gruesome shocker, Leon's Broken Mind in 2010 and followed that up with the bio mockumentary, The Rogue Filmmaker. Bazz & Mike made a couple of music videos between 2013 and 2014 along with the gangster short Darkest Secrets. In 2013 came Bazz's first feature which was the Boars Head documentary about a local public house that had independent bands, an art gallery and mad customers, then came Cibo di Violenza a shockumentary made under the BSH Entertainment banner with undercover Blogger Mike Lima. In 2018 Bazz finished the two-year long haul on the dark comedy horror White Goods with White Raven Films partner Michael Walcott and the Actor who played Leon in Leon's Broken mind Richard Robotham, he played the lead character and co-wrote the project. Bazz Hancher Remains CEO of White Raven Films & BSH Entertainments who he runs with Michael Walcott who both run LBM Video Distribution and White Raven Recordings all on a non-profit basis as everything goes back in to self-funding everything they do. Show less «

Bazz Hancher's FILMOGRAPHY

Day of the Stranger

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