Bartholomäus Kowalski

Bartholomäus Kowalski

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Bart Kowalski was born in Dzialdowo (Poland) in 1988. When he was 2 years old he moved with his family to Germany.Since his childhood days he has been very interested in movies and acting. After finishing secondary school he went to the Freiburg Drama School from 2005 to 2009 and after a successful graduation improved his acting skills at the Film ... Show more »
Bart Kowalski was born in Dzialdowo (Poland) in 1988. When he was 2 years old he moved with his family to Germany.Since his childhood days he has been very interested in movies and acting. After finishing secondary school he went to the Freiburg Drama School from 2005 to 2009 and after a successful graduation improved his acting skills at the Film Acting School in Cologne from 2009 to 2011.Bart has made several short films, played theater and works a lot with people in the independent sector. Bart loves new challenges. In 2013, he worked with the international stuntman and actor Mike Moeller on the martial arts film "One Million K(l)icks". Bart has also worked with the great German actor Martin Semmelrogge on the movie Breakdown Forest due for release in 2016. Show less «

Bartholomäus Kowalski's FILMOGRAPHY

Jack Walker


Breakdown Forest - Reise in den Abgrund


Ultimate Justice


One Million Klicks

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