Aviva Wang

Aviva Wang

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Aviva Wang was born in November 2006 in New York City, and moved with her family to Hong Kong, China, at the age of one. She speaks English, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese, and is studying French as her third language. Aviva has shown her passion and talent for acting since an early age. She won a Summer Experience Scholarship and a Performance Exc... Show more »
Aviva Wang was born in November 2006 in New York City, and moved with her family to Hong Kong, China, at the age of one. She speaks English, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese, and is studying French as her third language. Aviva has shown her passion and talent for acting since an early age. She won a Summer Experience Scholarship and a Performance Excellence Scholarship for her roles in school plays, and was the Head Girl at her primary school. Aviva was also a member of the Faust International Youth Theater (Hong Kong) and was involved in many staged productions. In 2018 Aviva appeared with her family in the BBC documentary Wonders of the Moon. Aviva enjoys playing the guitar, piano, loves to sing and dance, and will soon become a black belt in karate! (Updated: 2019) Show less «


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