Aneela Qureshi

Aneela Qureshi

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Aneela was born and raised in the United Kingdom in Nottingham to a Persian mother and Punjabi father. Her mother realized that Aneela wanted to act from an early age and helped her follow her dreams by enrolling her in a youth theatre group where she was scouted for Children's local TV.University and studying for a BA took precedence and guid... Show more »
Aneela was born and raised in the United Kingdom in Nottingham to a Persian mother and Punjabi father. Her mother realized that Aneela wanted to act from an early age and helped her follow her dreams by enrolling her in a youth theatre group where she was scouted for Children's local TV.University and studying for a BA took precedence and guided her down another path. She studied Economics, French, Spanish with a minor in Italian at the University of Leeds with a year of study in France, followed by a Post Graduate in Education at the University of Nottingham. She then embarked on her career as a high school teacher in French..Spanish..ESL..Ending up in Houston, Texas, after 9 years teaching at Portsmouth Grammar School (One of the top performing high schools in the UK). She was offered a fantastic job opportunity to teach in Houston, where her adventures in the USA began.The acting bug had never left so she began once again to do community theatre, while working as a teacher in Houston, which led to the opportunity of agency representation, opening doors to more acting during her time as a teacher in the USA. One thing led to another.One day while doing laundry the phone rang and it was a director..The lead had dropped out and would Aneela accept the role? By the end of that very day, she had completed her first feature. Unknown to her at that moment..she was going to be independent comedy feature starring Ron Jeremy, 'Beaches, Buns and Bikinis.' When she was asked on set what it was like to be starring in a film with Ron Jeremy, she said, " It's great??!", not knowing who he actually was!Her resume has since expanded enabling her to use her many accents, languages and versatility as an actress. Her goal is to create strong female characters of substance through both comedy and drama, enabling women to become more empowered.Aneela also does stand up comedy and and has her own comedy channel on You tube: ' Coffee and Crumpets'. She is also is an avid and skilled dancer and is classically trained on the piano composing and singing her own music and lyrics. She speaks French, Spanish, Farsi and Italian and is a chameleon with different accents and characters. She has a confident and cosmopolitan woman who has traveled vastly around the world. She has also written a book which is yet to be published and televised.Her journey now continues in Los Angeles as a full time actress. Show less «

Aneela Qureshi's FILMOGRAPHY

NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 14


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 13


India Sweets and Spices


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 12


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 11


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 10


Fortune Defies Death


Armenian Haunting


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 9


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 8


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 7


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 6


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 5


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 4


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 3


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 2


NCIS Los Angeles - Season 1

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