Amanda Rowe

Amanda Rowe

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Amanda Rowe was born in Exeter, Devon, England on 27th November 1978 as Amanda Mary Weeks. She is a music composer and producer known for the science fiction feature film Robot world, working title Reconnoiter (2015). Amanda has been married to film director/writer/visual effects artist Neil Rowe since 2008. Together they founded Rendered Pictures ... Show more »
Amanda Rowe was born in Exeter, Devon, England on 27th November 1978 as Amanda Mary Weeks. She is a music composer and producer known for the science fiction feature film Robot world, working title Reconnoiter (2015). Amanda has been married to film director/writer/visual effects artist Neil Rowe since 2008. Together they founded Rendered Pictures production studio based in Exeter, UK. Amanda studied fine art at Exeter college and at the University of Wales Institute Cardiff. Robot world is Amanda's first feature film which won best feature at the Unreal film festival in Memphis and best director at the Hyperdrive festival in UK. Show less «


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