Ally McClelland

Ally McClelland

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Ally McClelland is an actor, fight choreographer and stunt coordinator specializing in combat action and horse stunts, often providing period action for Film, Television and Theatre.Ally learned his trade in the UK working with the top equestrian stunt teams including Gerard Naprous & The Devil's Horsemen, Atkinson Action Horses, and The R... Show more »
Ally McClelland is an actor, fight choreographer and stunt coordinator specializing in combat action and horse stunts, often providing period action for Film, Television and Theatre.Ally learned his trade in the UK working with the top equestrian stunt teams including Gerard Naprous & The Devil's Horsemen, Atkinson Action Horses, and The Royal Armouries Museum Live. From this strong base he has went on to work in the UK, Italy and Denmark on some of the biggest film and theatre productions.In addition to his horse work, Ally's expertise and skill with the sword was also acknowledged when he was invited to attend as a judge at the 2011 International Stage Fencing Championships in Germany.Fluent in both English and Italian ( with also some Danish ) his exacting standards, energy, enthusiasm, eye for detail and a "whatever it takes" attitude have firmly established him as a professional performer and coordinator. Show less «

Ally McClelland's FILMOGRAPHY

Anger of the Dead (2015)


Zombie Massacre 2: Reich Of The Dead


Morning Star


Valhalla Rising

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