Allen Bonilla

Allen Bonilla

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Allen Bonilla , Is a new household name! One of the many great upcoming actors from the great state of Texas. He has been featured in ("Texas Flip n Move" -2018) ( "El Rescate" -2018) Also as the lead actor in ("Corporate Christmas") 2019 and an new upcoming film called ("The Runners ") -2020. Allen Bonilla h... Show more »
Allen Bonilla , Is a new household name! One of the many great upcoming actors from the great state of Texas. He has been featured in ("Texas Flip n Move" -2018) ( "El Rescate" -2018) Also as the lead actor in ("Corporate Christmas") 2019 and an new upcoming film called ("The Runners ") -2020. Allen Bonilla has been in the film industry since he was 16 years old and has juggled with music as well. When he's not writing pop music he's pitching commercials for the local radio stations with his great voice acting skills. Allen Bonilla Is also on his way to becoming an Author of his new upcoming book. Show less «

Allen Bonilla's FILMOGRAPHY

Red Stone


The Runners


Soul Men


The Longshots

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