Allan Michael Brunet

Allan Michael Brunet

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Allan Michael Brunet was born in Grenville Quebec in Canada. When he was still young, his family moved to an old farm house in the Laurentian foothills in Western Quebec, where the isolation helped to develop his imagination. When in high school, he was encouraged to enter the talent contest, where he won first prize and received his first standing... Show more »
Allan Michael Brunet was born in Grenville Quebec in Canada. When he was still young, his family moved to an old farm house in the Laurentian foothills in Western Quebec, where the isolation helped to develop his imagination. When in high school, he was encouraged to enter the talent contest, where he won first prize and received his first standing ovation. The seed was sown. Having good grades in math and science, he was encouraged to pursue a career in the sciences. In his last year of computer science at the University of Ottawa, he auditioned for a play at the Theatre Department and was offered one of the lead roles. He then abandoned all his science classes and focused on studying acting and directing. As well as acting in many stage plays and independent films, Allan Michael is also a respected lighting designer, puppeteer, translator and theatre director. He can also often be seen as a guest performer in the Montreal based Soaps on Stage. Show less «

Allan Michael Brunet's FILMOGRAPHY

Paris Paris - Season 1


Anne - Season 3


Anne - Season 2


The Death and Life of John F. Donovan


Anne - Season 1


Paranormal Witness - Season 5


American Lawmen - Season 1


Paranormal Witness - Season 4


Handsome Devils - Season 1


Revelation: The End of Days - Season 1


Paranormal Witness - Season 3


Paranormal Witness - Season 2


Paranormal Witness - Season 1

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