Alicia Underwood

Alicia Underwood

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American actress Alicia Underwood was born in Texas and grew up in Dallas. She discovered her love of performing when her parents entered her into the Miss Dallas Pre-Teen Pageant. From 2001 to 2004, she trained with Toni Cobb Brock and landed regional parts from her local Dallas agent. She went on to study at DTV Studios, where she began booking l... Show more »
American actress Alicia Underwood was born in Texas and grew up in Dallas. She discovered her love of performing when her parents entered her into the Miss Dallas Pre-Teen Pageant. From 2001 to 2004, she trained with Toni Cobb Brock and landed regional parts from her local Dallas agent. She went on to study at DTV Studios, where she began booking leads in independent films, The High Schooler's Guide to College Parties (2009), followed by Moon Ring (2010), a young adult love story and The Inflicted (2012). During this time, Alicia began studying with America's Audition Coach, Lar Park Lincoln at the prestigious Actors Audition Studios.In 2015, Alicia got her first lead in a feature film in the independent horror, Ghost Note. In the Spring of 2016, she took on her first lead in the drama short Birthday Girl, where she was nominated for Best Actress at the Rack Focus Film Competition. Show less «

Alicia Underwood's FILMOGRAPHY

Ghost Party


Alita: Battle Angel


Ghost Note


Murder Made Me Famous - Season 2


Murder Made Me Famous - Season 1


The High Schooler's Guide to College Parties

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