Alexander Engel

Alexander Engel

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June 4, 1902 in Berlin, Germany
Alexander Engel was born in Berlin on 4-6-1902. He studied drama at the Reicherschen Hochschule für dramatische Kunst. He debuted at the theater in Allenstein in 1923 and was later hired in Königsberg, in Rostock and, from 1931, in Berlin. One year later he started a film career that would occupy him until his death in Saarbrücken on 25-7-1968, ... Show more »
Alexander Engel was born in Berlin on 4-6-1902. He studied drama at the Reicherschen Hochschule für dramatische Kunst. He debuted at the theater in Allenstein in 1923 and was later hired in Königsberg, in Rostock and, from 1931, in Berlin. One year later he started a film career that would occupy him until his death in Saarbrücken on 25-7-1968, successfully specializing in threatening and eerie characters. Show less «

Alexander Engel's FILMOGRAPHY

Rote Lippen, Sadisterotica


Das indische Tuch


A Time to Love and a Time to Die [Sub: Eng]



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