Alessandra MK Caterino

Alessandra MK Caterino

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Alessandra MK Caterino is an eight-year-old American actress. Alessandra appeared in multiple theatrical productions including "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Wizard of Oz", before her breakout guest star role in season 2, episode 15 of the Fox sitcom: "Call Me Kat." When not singing, dancing, and acting, Alessandra lov... Show more »
Alessandra MK Caterino is an eight-year-old American actress. Alessandra appeared in multiple theatrical productions including "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Wizard of Oz", before her breakout guest star role in season 2, episode 15 of the Fox sitcom: "Call Me Kat." When not singing, dancing, and acting, Alessandra loves to read, play tennis and golf, visit her family abroad, bike/hover board, ski, and swim. Show less «

Alessandra MK Caterino's FILMOGRAPHY

Call Me Kat - Season 3


Call Me Kat - Season 2


Call Me Kat - Season 1

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