Alana Gordillo

Alana Gordillo

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Alana Gordillo was born January 5, 2002 in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Her mother is African-American & Native-American descent, and Father Mexican-American & Guatemala Descent. She has one sibling, Alicia JanNina Gordillo, who is presently a Pop/R&B singer known as NINA and also a working actress. Alana traveled the country, a Military br... Show more »
Alana Gordillo was born January 5, 2002 in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Her mother is African-American & Native-American descent, and Father Mexican-American & Guatemala Descent. She has one sibling, Alicia JanNina Gordillo, who is presently a Pop/R&B singer known as NINA and also a working actress. Alana traveled the country, a Military brat for the first 7 years of her life. At the age of 7, her mother made the biggest trip of her life to Los Angles, California where Alana pursued the art of Acting and Modeling. She has since been a working actress in Los Angeles, California. Show less «

Alana Gordillo's FILMOGRAPHY

The Cookie Mobster


Saige Paints the Sky


Hannah Montana - Season 4


Michael Jackson's This Is It


Hannah Montana - Season 3


Hannah Montana - Season 2


Hannah Montana - Season 1

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