Aiva Onfroy

Aiva Onfroy

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Aiva Onfroy is known for being a social media personality. She is also known for acting in short films as well as being an extra with Disney Channel. She has appeared in a few popular music videos as well! She now has a YouTube channel ( Aivaslife ) in which she post content of her everyday life. She was born and raised in Parkland, Florida. Aiva i... Show more »
Aiva Onfroy is known for being a social media personality. She is also known for acting in short films as well as being an extra with Disney Channel. She has appeared in a few popular music videos as well! She now has a YouTube channel ( Aivaslife ) in which she post content of her everyday life. She was born and raised in Parkland, Florida. Aiva is definitely what we call a triple threat as she can sing, dance, and act. As of 2018 Aiva Onfroy was recognized as the cousin of assassinated artist XXXTentacion. (This information was confirmed by his father). Show less «


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