Adriana Garza

Adriana Garza

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Adriana Garza was born to Mexican parents in Brownsville, Texas. As a result her childhood consisted of traveling between Mexico and the United States making her fluent in both languages. Her ballerina mother, Mercedes Cortazar, who put Adriana in dance classes at the age of three and theater at the age of ten, influenced her career choice.As an ac... Show more »
Adriana Garza was born to Mexican parents in Brownsville, Texas. As a result her childhood consisted of traveling between Mexico and the United States making her fluent in both languages. Her ballerina mother, Mercedes Cortazar, who put Adriana in dance classes at the age of three and theater at the age of ten, influenced her career choice.As an actor she has appeared in several commercials for Dodge, Burger King, and Reddi Wip to name a few. In 2009 she appeared in a commercial for Unicef's Tap Project, which prompted her to become a volunteer with the 2010 Tap Project and produce the Los Angeles fundraiser for Unicef's Tap Project. She is passionate about the cause because it provides children in underdeveloped countries their basic human right, clean water. The Unicef commercial which she stars in, "Desperate", has gone on to win eight awards in 2009 and 2010, most recently the NY Festival Award awarded in Shanghai. In 2009 it was one of ten finalists at the Cannes Lions Awards from over 4,000 International entries.In 2006 Garza was awarded the Toyota Moving Forward Award and became the first Latina to ever be honored with the accolade. Presented by Glamour Magazine, the Toyota Moving Forward Award honored Garza for being a woman driven by her passion and excelling in the entertainment field by creating, producing, directing and performing in "The Art of Being", her first production. The monologue stage production, which she toured with in 2007 to cities across the country, donated proceeds from the production to various art-related organizations in each city.She followed "The Art of Being" by appearing as the lead character Athena in "The Experimental Witch", based on Paulo Coelho's novel "The witch of Portobello", which she also produced. It won Paulo Coelho's The Experimental Witch International Film Competition from over 6,000 International entries and premiered at the Rome International Film Festival, which she attended alongside Paulo Coelho in October of 2009. In May of 2010 Adriana was awarded the President's Volunteer Service Award for her commitment to community service.Since its inception in 2006 her production company's work has been featured in GLAMOUR magazine, won her the Toyota Moving Forward Award, won the Paulo Coelho International Film competition, premiered at the Rome Film Festival and helped create awareness of the Global Water Crisis. She is currently (March 2011) in pre-production for her first feature length film, "Bearing Fruit". Show less «

Adriana Garza's FILMOGRAPHY

The Leftovers - Season 3


From Dusk Till Dawn - Season 3


The Leftovers - Season 2


From Dusk Till Dawn - Season 2


The Leftovers - Season 1


From Dusk Till Dawn - Season 1

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